Now showing items 16-18 of 59

    • Collaboratively Learning the Best Option on Graphs, Using Bounded Local Memory 

      Su, Lili; Zubeldia, Martin; Lynch, Nancy (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2019)
      <jats:p>We consider multi-armed bandit problems in social groups wherein each individual has bounded memory and shares the common goal of learning the best arm/option. We say an individual learns the best option if eventually ...
    • Task-structured probabilistic I/O automata 

      Canetti, Ran; Cheung, Ling; Kaynar, Dilsun; Liskov, Moses; Lynch, Nancy; e.a. (Elsevier BV, 2018)
      © 2017 Elsevier Inc. Modeling frameworks such as Probabilistic I/O Automata (PIOA) and Markov Decision Processes permit both probabilistic and nondeterministic choices. In order to use these frameworks to express claims ...
    • Superconducting Nanowire Spiking Element for Neural Networks 

      Toomey, E; Segall, K; Castellani, M; Colangelo, M; Lynch, N; e.a. (American Chemical Society (ACS), 2020)
      © 2020 American Chemical Society. All rights reserved. As the limits of traditional von Neumann computing come into view, the brain's ability to communicate vast quantities of information using low-power spikes has become ...