Now showing items 28-30 of 807

    • Risk Allocation for Temporal Risk Assessment 

      Wang, Andrew J. (2013-01-31)
      Temporal uncertainty arises when performing any activity in the natural world. When activities are composed into temporal plans, then, there is a risk of not meeting the plan requirements. Currently, we do not have ...
    • Energy-efficient Control of a Smart Grid with Sustainable Homes based on Distributing Risk 

      Ono, Masahiro (2012-01-20)
      The goal of this thesis is to develop a distributed control system for a smart grid with sustainable homes. A central challenge is how to enhance energy efficiency in the presence of uncertainty. A major source of uncertainty ...
    • Robust, Goal-directed Plan Execution with Bounded Risk 

      Ono, Masahiro (2012-02-02)
      There is an increasing need for robust optimal plan execution for multi-agent systems in uncertain environments, while guaranteeing an acceptable probability of success. For ex- ample, a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles ...