Now showing items 103-105 of 1152

    • Portable High-Performance Programs 

      Frigo, Matteo (1999-06)
      This dissertation discusses how to write computer programs that attain both high performance and portability, despite the fact that current computer systems have different degrees of parallelism, deep memory hierarchies, ...
    • Immediate-Mode Ray-Casting 

      Alex, John; Teller, Seth (1999-06)
      We propose a simple modification to the classical polygon rasterization pipeline that enables exact, efficient raycasting of bounded implicit surfaces without the use of a global spatial data structure bounding hierarchy. ...
    • Mostly-Static Decentralized Information Flow Control 

      Myers, Andrew C. (1999-01)
      The growing use of mobile code in downloaded programs such as applets and servlets has increased interest in robust mechanisms for ensuring privacy and secrecy. Common security mechanisms such as sandboxing and access ...