Now showing items 34-36 of 1152

    • Hardware Mechanisms for Memory Integrity Checking 

      Suh, G. Edward; Clarke, Dwaine; Gassend, Blaise; van Dijk, Marten; Devadas, Srinivas (2002-11)
      Memory integrity verification is a useful primitive when implementing secure processors that are resistant to attacks on hardware components. This paper proposes new hardware schemes to verify the integrity of untrusted ...
    • Offline Integrity Checking of Untrusted Storage 

      Clarke, Dwaine; Gassend, Blaise; Suh, G. Edward; van Dijk, Marten; Devadas, Srinivas (2002-11)
    • Access-Controlled Resource Discovery for Pervasive Networks 

      Raman, Sanjay; Clarke, Dwaine; Burnside, Matt; Devadas, Srinivas; Rivest, Ronald L. (2002-09)
      Networks of the future will be characterized by a variety of computational devices that display a level of dynamism not seen in traditional wired networks. Because of the dynamic nature of these networks, resource discovery ...