Now showing items 7-9 of 1152

    • Randomness-efficient Sampling of Arbitrary Functions 

      Bellare, Mihir; Rompel, John (1990-07)
    • A Modular Drinking Philosophers Algorithm 

      Welch, Jennifer Lundelius; Lynch, Nancy A. (1992-10)
      A variant of the drinking philosphers algorithm of Chandy and Misra is described and proved correct in a module way, using the I/O automaton model of Lynch and Tuttle. The algorithm of Chandy and Misra is based on an ...
    • Bandwidth Management in Wireless Sensor Networks 

      Hull, Bret; Jamieson, Kyle; Balakrishnan, Hari (2003-04)
      Wireless sensor networks are often used in monitoring and control applications, where software running on generalpurpose computers ÔøΩpullÔøΩ information from remote sensors and ÔøΩpushÔøΩ actuations into the network. The ...