Now showing items 19-21 of 486

    • Efficient View-Dependent Sampling of Visual Hulls 

      Matusik, Wojciech; Buehler, Chris; McMillan, Leonard (2002-02)
      In this paper we present an efficient algorithm for sampling visual hulls. Our algorithm computers exact points and normals on the surface of visual hull instead of a more traditional volumetric representation. The main ...
    • An Efficient Visual Hull Computation Algorithm 

      Matusik, Wojciech; Buehler, Chris; McMillan, Leonard; Gortler, Steven J. (2002-02)
      In this paper we describe an efficient algorithm for computing the visual hull of an object. This problem is equivalent to computing the intersection of generalized cones. The naïve visual hull computation algorithm requires ...
    • StreamIT: A Complier for Streaming Applications 

      Thies, William F.; Karczmarek, Michael; Gordon, Michael; Maze, David; Wong, Jeremy; e.a. (2002-02)
      Streaming programs represent an increasingly important and widespread class of applications that holds unprecedented opportunitie sfor high-impact compiler technology. Unlike sequential programs with obscured dependence ...