Now showing items 10-12 of 486

    • A Theoretical and Practical Approach to Instruction Scheduling on Spatial Architectures 

      Mirrokni, Vahab S.; Lee, Walter; Karger, David; Amarasinghe, Saman (2002-12)
      This paper studies the problem of instruction assignment and scheduling on spatial architectures. Spatial architectures are architectures whose resources are organized in clusters, with non-zero communication delays between ...
    • pStore: A Secure Peer-to-Peer Backup System 

      Batten, Christopher; Barr, Kenneth; Saraf, Arvind; Trepetin, Stanley (2002-10)
      In an effort to combine research in peer-to-peer systems with techniques for incremental backup systems, we propose pStore: a secure distributed backup system based on an adaptive peer-to-peer network. pStore exploits ...
    • Offline Authentication of Untrusted Storage 

      Clarke, Dwaine; Gassend, Blaise; Suh, G. Edward; van Dijk, Marten; Devadas, Srinivas (2002-08)
      We extend the offline memory correctness checking scheme presented by Blum et. al [BEG+91], by using incremental cryptography, to detect attacks by an active adversary. We also introduce a hybrid o_ine-online checking ...