Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • 11.013J / 21H.231J American Urban History I, Spring 2005 

      Fogelson, Robert (2005-06)
      This course is a seminar on the history of institutions and institutional change in American cities from roughly 1850 to the present. Among the institutions to be looked at are political machines, police departments, courts, ...
    • 11.014J / 21H.232J American Urban History II, Fall 2004 

      Fogelson, Robert (2004-12)
      This is a seminar course that explores the history of selected features of the physical environment of urban America. Among the features considered are parks, cemeteries, tenements, suburbs, zoos, skyscrapers, department ...
    • 21H.104J / 11.015J Riots, Strikes, and Conspiracies in American History, Fall 2004 

      Maier, Pauline; Fogelson, Robert (2004-12)
      This course uses readings and discussions to focus on a series of short-term events that shed light on American politics, culture, and social organization. It emphasizes finding ways to make sense of these complicated, ...