Now showing items 1-3 of 291

    • Dependency-Directed Backtracking in Non-Deterministic Scheme 

      Zabih, Ramin (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1988-08)
      Non-deterministic LISP can be used to describe a search problem without specifying the method used to solve the problem. We show that SCHEMER, a non-deterministic dialect of SCHEME, can support dependency-directed backtracking ...
    • Mini-Robot Group User's Guide Part 1: The 11/45 System 

      Billmers, Meyer A. (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1978-06)
      This USER'S GUIDE is in two parts. Part 1 describes the facilities of the mini-robot group 11/45 and the software available to persons using those facilities. It is intended for those writing their own programs to be run ...
    • Using Message Passing Instead of the GOTO Construct 

      Hewitt, Carl (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1978-04)
      This paper advocates a programming methodology using message passing. Efficient programs are derived for fast exponentiation, merging ordered sequences, and path existence determination in a directed graph. The problems ...