Now showing items 19-21 of 53091

    • Vista: Machine Learning based Database Performance Troubleshooting Framework in Amazon RDS 

      Singh, Vikramank; Song, Zhao; Narayanaswamy, Balakrishnan (Murali); Vaidya, Kapil Eknath; Kraska, Tim (ACM|ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 2024-11-20)
      Database performance troubleshooting is a complex multi-step process that broadly involves three key stages- (a) Detection: determining what's wrong and when; (b) Root Cause Analysis (RCA): reasoning about why is the ...
    • Towards Safer Heuristics With Xplain 

      Karimi, Pantea; Pirelli, Solal; Kakarla, Siva Kesava Reddy; Beckett, Ryan; Segarra, Santiago; e.a. (ACM|The 23rd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 2024-11-18)
      Many problems that cloud operators solve are computationally expensive, and operators often use heuristic algorithms (that are faster and scale better than optimal) to solve them more efficiently. Heuristic analyzers enable ...
    • The Case for Decentralized Fallback Networks 

      Lynch, James; Liu, Ziqian; Li, Chenning; Ghobadi, Manya; Balakrishnan, Hari (ACM|The 23rd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 2024-11-18)
      This paper argues that network and application delivery infrastructures have become highly centralized and are more vulnerable to attacks and disasters than is desirable. It proposes a research agenda for decentralized ...