Browsing Project MAC by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 176
OPL-I An Open Ended Programming System Within CTSS
(1964-01)OPL-1, an incremental programming system presently operating with CTSS, permits the user to augment both his program and his data base during widely separated successive sessions at his terminal. Facilities are provided ... -
Stress: A Problem-oriented Language for Structural Engineering
(1964-031)STRESS is a general purpose programming system for the analysis of structures. Compared to most other structural programs it has three distinguishing characteristics: (1) The input language is that of the structural ... -
The OPS-1 Manual
(1964-05)The recent attainment and continuing development of personally accessible computer facilities have opened another chapter in the use of machines by man. A number of current research efforts, including Project MAC at M.I.T., ... -
Program Structure in a Multi-access Computer
(1964-05)A multi-access computer (MAC) system consists of processing units and directly addressable main memory in which procedure information is interpreted as sequences of operations on data, a system of terminal devices ... -
Verbal and Graphical Language for the AED System: A Progress Report
(1964-05)For Computer-Aided Design, use of time-sharing a single language which can take either verbal or graphical form is required. This paper describes how a single language processing technique, which is in turn a special ... -
System Requirements for Multiple -Access, Time-shared Computers
(1964-05)It is now clear that it is possible to create a general-purpose time-shared multiple access system on most contemporary computers. However, it is equally clear that none of the existent computers are well designed for ... -
SIR: A Computer Program for Semantic Information Retrieval
(1964-06)SIR is a computer system, programmed in the LISP language, which accepts information and answers questions expressed in a restricted form of English. This system demonstrates what can reasonably be called an ability to ... -
Natural Language Input for a Computer Problem Solving System
(1964-09)The STUDENT problem solving system, programmed in LISP, accepts as input a comfortable but restricted subset of English which can express a wide variety of algebra story problems. STUDENT finds the solution to a large ... -
The MAC System: A Progress Report
(1964-10)The notion of machine-aided cognition implies an intimate collaboration between a human user and a computer in a real-time dialogue on the solution of a problem, in which the two parties contribute their best capabilities. ... -
A New Methodology for Computer Simulation
(1964-10)Computer simulation is a cooperative venture between researcher and information processor, but the processor's role customarily begins too late. The researcher can benefit substantially by bringing the computer up into ... -
Use of CTSS in a Teaching Environment
(1964-11)Computer time-sharing offers many interesting possibilities for use in teaching computer technology. It might be expected that with proper hardware and software, students using time-sharing as a teaching machine could ... -
CTSS Technical Notes
(1965-03)This report is a technical description of the 7094 Compatible Time-Sharing System in use at Project MAC and the M.I.T. Computation Center. It is designed to acquaint a system programmer with the techniques of construction ... -
Time Sharing on a Multiconsole Computer
(1965-03)After a brief historical review and a description of the three basic types for time-sharing systems, the general purpose time-sharing system as exemplified by the M.I.T. CTSS system is described in general terms, with ... -
An Analysis of Time-Shared Computer Systems
(1965-06)Some of the aspects of the operation of time-shared, interactive computer systems are analyzed. The emphasis is on the reaction of hardware systems to the demands that its users make upon it. Simply shared systems and ... -
A Heuristic Approach to Alternate Routing in a Job Shop
(1965-06)The research reported here investigates the use of heuristics for selecting from several alternate routes resulting from partially ordered tasks in a job shop order file. The experimental vehicle employed was digital ... -
Calculaid: An On-line System for Algebraic Computation and Analysis
(1965-09)OPS is an on-line system developed by M. Greenberger et al. at Project MAC. The present work provides a powerful and simple way to perform numerical manipulations and calculations within OPS. The program package is called ... -
Queueing Models for File Memory Operation
(1965-10)A model for the auxiliary memory function of a segmented, multiprocessor, time-shared computer system is set up. A drum system in particular is discussed, although no loss of generality is implied by limiting the discussion ... -
The Priority Problem
(1965-11)Priority decisions arise whenever limited facilities must be apportioned among competitive demands for service. Broadly viewed, even the familiar first-come-first served discipline is a priority rule. It favors the ... -
Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations
(1965-12)The semantics are defined for a number of meta-instructions which perform operations essential to the writing of programs in multiprogrammed computer systems. These meta-instructions relate to parallel procession, protection ... -
MAP: A System for On-line Mathematical Analysis
(1966-01)This manual describes a computer suitable for use on the time-sharing facility at the M.I.T. Computation Center or at Project MAC. Designated for direct computer access through a remote console, the system replaces the ...