Now showing items 13-15 of 176

    • The Computational Complexity of Some Logical Theories 

      Rackoff, Charles Weill (1975-02)
      Upper and lower bounds on the inherent computational complexity of the decision problem for a number of logical theories are established. A general form of Ehrenfeucht game technique for deciding theories is developed ...
    • A Digitalis Therapy Advisory 

      Silverman, Howard (1975-01)
      The physician administering digitalis makes use of the full richness of the clinical setting to form his/her impressions and decide on a therapeutic program. The weakness of existing programs which formulate digitalis ...
    • Some Problems in German in English Machine Translation 

      Brown, Gretchen P. (1974-12)
      This paper discusses some problems in the machine translation of natural language, in particular, for translation from German into English. An implementation of some parts of the translating process has been built. The ...